Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rule of Thirds and Centering Image

These are two photos of the same Sunflower, the centering photo only shows the one sunflower but the one with the rule of thirds photo has two other sunflowers. The sunflower in the rule of thirds photo that is the same as the one in the centering photo is the one on the right. I really like the centering photo better because it looks to have more detail in the one sunflower being centered. The centering photo only focus's on the one sunflower and the rule of thirds photo you are not just focused on the one because you have 2 other flowers to focus on.


  1. sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. They look very tall...

  2. The rule of thirds photo shows more composition. They are both awesome!

  3. The first photo seems more balanced to me. I like the composition better. Nice shot!
