Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chrissy's Slideshow Week 5

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Rule of Thirds and Centering Image

These are two photos of the same Sunflower, the centering photo only shows the one sunflower but the one with the rule of thirds photo has two other sunflowers. The sunflower in the rule of thirds photo that is the same as the one in the centering photo is the one on the right. I really like the centering photo better because it looks to have more detail in the one sunflower being centered. The centering photo only focus's on the one sunflower and the rule of thirds photo you are not just focused on the one because you have 2 other flowers to focus on.

Centering Image

This is an image of my beautiful neice,centered in this post. And I love how nice of a photo this is of her.

Rule of Thirds

This is a picture I took today of my son on our nature walk. I really like how I took this picture not even realizing that my son was positioned in the rule of thirds. I really like this picture of him.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chrissy's Week 5 Assignment on Aesthetic

Aesthetic emotion puts man in a state favorable to the reception of erotic emotion. Art is the accomplice of love. Take love away and there is no longer art
( This is the website where I found this quote and I really like this quote.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Chrissy's Lighting Assignment

These are the three different lighting situation photos. The darker ones were kind of hard to take just like the brighter one because it was really dark and I couldnt really see the flag pole, so I couldnt really get the same angle of the pole. But the lighter one is my favorite especially the way the flags are blowing in the wind.

Chrissy's Week 4

This is a picture that my brother took but I loved it, he took this picture recently of a sunset in Afghanistan. THis is a monochrome color scheme photo and I love the way the colors look in this photo.

Chrissy's Week 4 Assignments

This is an analogous photo, and I love the way these colors go with eachother. This photo is a beautiful picture