Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chrissy's 1st Assignment

These are three pictures of a sunset that I took in Maine. I really like all three of these pictures. 1. This picture has a reflection from the sun and u can see more water. I also believe this picture shows more details.
2. This picture I really like because of the way the sun reflects and the colors in the sky look alittle pinker then the others you can see less water then the first. I really like this picture much better than the 1st one but I think the 1st one shows more detail.


  1. I think I like the first picture better. I can see more of the landscape, which I like. It looks pretty. I hope you had a good trip.

  2. Chrissy,
    I love you sunset pictures. It seems you captured the landscape beautifully. I love how you set up your blog, it looks fun.

  3. I like the way you capture the rays of sunlight

  4. Chrissy,
    Very nice, I love your sunsets, they are beautiful. I like how the sun reflects off the water to make it seem serine... Nice

  5. Great pictures...I also like seeing the sunset.
    Your brothers picture is very nice also. It makes Afganistan look so peaceful...eventho we all know better.
