Friday, September 24, 2010

Assignment #2 Collage

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These are just random pictures that I took. I love taking close up pictures of flowers, animals, and mostly of my kids. I love making collages with random pictures, I make collages at home all the time with my kids photos and family photos.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chrissy's 1st Assignment

These are three pictures of a sunset that I took in Maine. I really like all three of these pictures. 1. This picture has a reflection from the sun and u can see more water. I also believe this picture shows more details.
2. This picture I really like because of the way the sun reflects and the colors in the sky look alittle pinker then the others you can see less water then the first. I really like this picture much better than the 1st one but I think the 1st one shows more detail.